7xjung – Your Training Ground for Solidarity and Respect
The artistic exhibition „7xjung – Your Training Ground for Solidarity and Respect” is the learning centre by Gesicht Zeigen! Für ein weltoffenes Deutschland! in the heart of Berlin. 7xjung offers extraordinary approaches for dealing with the past times of National Socialism, as well as with the present-day issues of identity, exclusion and civil courage. 7xjung comes to life in intense, holistic Workshops, which provide space for the motivation and the awareness for courageous action to unfold. This opens up new perspectives on history, the present, the individual and personal possibilities of shaping society – starting in the own school and the own classroom. Everybody can be a Change Agent!
Gesicht Zeigen!
The NGO Gesicht Zeigen! Für ein weltoffenes Deutschland (Show your Face! For an open-minded Germany) encourages people to take a stand against Racsism, Antisemitism, right-wing Populism and right-wing Extremism. The Organization operates nationwide. She intervenes in the contemporary political debate and publicly gives her opinion. The goal is always to strengthen commitment to improving society and to sensibilise for every kind of discrimination. Gesicht Zeigen! can point to broad experience in the pedagogic practice of educating on topics relevant to democracy – none the less with Youth, who are difficult to get through to with classical-cognitive forms of learning.
Workshops for Children and young Adults
We offer interactive workshops for school classes from 5th grade onwards, youth groups and students. They normally last for 4 hours (i.e. from 9 to 13 o´Clock). Due to our strong orientation towards the target group, each workshop is thematically composed from scratch –we don´t just rekindle the same program every time. In doing so, we adjust to your wishes in choice of topics and to the specific group situation, utilizing age-appropriate methods in order to work with the Children and Youth in a process-oriented way.
Skill Enhancement for Adults
In our further education trainings we are intrigued by the existential question, how a benign living together in a plural-democratic society may look like. We work in a participatory and interactive way and develop our topics progressively in exchange with you – naturally always based in our pedagogic day-to-day practice. The Centre of our Proceeding is a prejudice-conscious and self-reflexive approach. Our Education Enhancement Workshops are directed towards teachers, and everybody else who is involved in pedagogic work with Children and Youth.
Our leaflet and a guidebook to our 7xjung exhibition-learning space are available on the download page.
You will find more information on our offers on the German pages of this Website – or just call us, we´re happy to inform you personally: +49 – 30 – 3030808-25.
Political education by Gesicht Zeigen!
We have a deeply democratic mindset. That means, we do not understand Democracy as a mere political system, but as a concept permeating all aspects of life.
Communicating this concept is a key goal of our educational work. In doing so, we identify actions and societal developments seeking to harm this concept, and inform about them (in example racism, antisemitism, right-wing populism, islamism, right-wing extremism). In our political work, we raise awareness to these antidemocratic phenomena, which in our understanding are not only hostile to democracy, but downright inhuman. We promote the ability to point out the misanthropy and danger to democracy within these phenomena. We make clear, what these tendencies may mean not only for a society, but for each and every one of us, and what the consequences of ignorance and turning a blind eye are.
We enable and encourage to political and societal participation and showing civil courage, true to our motto: Speak up! Show your face! It´s needed! We plead to always treat others with respect and to show the willingness to accept diversity.
Democracy is a
political system.
We think:
It is even more.
It is a concept, permeating all aspects of life.
This is the foundation of our educational mindset.